play footsie

Slang definitions & phrases for play footsie

play footsie

  1. Amorous and clandestine touching and rubbing of feet between a couple; pedal dalliance: I played footsie with her during Carmen
  2. Any especially close relationship between persons or parties: Truman is plenty burned up over the way Chiang Kai-shek played footy-footy with the Republicans (1935+)

Idioms and Phrases with play footsie

play footsie

Behave coyly, flirt with, especially secretly. For example, Get to the point, there's no need to play footsie with us. This expression alludes to two persons surreptitiously rubbing each other's feet together. [ 1940s ]
Cooperate or curry favor with in a sly or secret way, as in The mayor's been playing footsie with various neighborhood councils. [ Mid-1900s ]